Dr. Willie Reardon
Consultant Clinical Geneticist
Dr Reardon is known among his colleagues as an inspiring teacher and committed educationalist in medical training. In addition to his routine participation in training new generations of Paediatricians, he has welcomed several overseas graduate students in Clinical Genetics to his clinic for a period of intense training. Dr. Reardon actively participates in the continuing medical education program at the National Maternity Hospital, Dublin and at Blackrock Clinic and has led Grand Rounds at all hospitals in which he has worked throughout his career.
Mentoring Roles
Course Co-Director (along with Dian Donnai and Jill Clayton-Smith) of the "Manchester Dysmorphology Training Course" 2009-2020 under the aegis of the European Society of Human Genetics (next course April 2022)
Invited speaker at the Inaugural Workshop in Applied Genomic Medicine, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto (May 9-11, 2016)
Clinical Supervisor of several Geneticists in training who have spent time working with Dr Reardon as part of their career development.
Over 20 trainees in Paediatric and/or Clinical Genetics have written their first published paper under Dr. Reardon's tutilage.
Examination of higher degree theses at the invitation of several Universities in Europe.
Grand Round presentations at Blackrock Clinic, National Maternity Hospital, Dublin, Children’s Hospital Ireland at Crumlin, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto and Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London.
Regular reviewer for several international journals.